Help With English


The New Globe

The Globe was reconstructed on the same site where the original Globe stood

A performance in the Globe. Note the 'groundlings' gathering in the standing only section of the theatre at the foot of the stage.

How different do you think the experience of the play was for the groundlings and the people in the balconies? 

 Where do you think the wealthier people were located?

A fisheye view of the inside of the Globe. Note how the theatre is exposed the elements.

There were no electric or gas lights in Shakespeare's day, so natural light was essential.

A picture of one of the stalls where audience members could pay to sit and watch the performance.

The view of the stage from the groundlings' point of view

The ceiling above the stage is decorated with symbols and images associated with classical and biblical stories, can you guess why?

The stage area

Scenery at the rear of the stage. Note the pillars. These are often re-painted according to which play is being performed.

The actors' point of view from the stage. Notice how far away the audience in the balcony is. Imagine the skill required to project your voice over that distance without micophones.